Plant Profile - Achillea


Quick Guide: summer, hardy, full sun, height: 60/24in, width: 45cm/18in

The garden relatives of the common Narrow bear yellow or white flowers in flattened clusters. With fern-like, grey-green leaves, they are handsome additions to the summer border.

GROWING Set out young plants from autumn to spring in well-drained soil. Cut. the stems back to ground level in late autumn each year.

PROPAGATION Divide established plants in spring into portions each bearing 4-5 young shoots and replant immediately.

VARIETIES A. filipendula `Gold Plate', yellow flowers bloom all summer, good for dried flowers; A. x `King Edward', forms low (10cm/4in high) hummocks of long-lasting primrose yellow flowers, suitable for rock gardens; A. x `Moonshine' (above), feathery leaves, sharp yellow densely packed flowerheads; A. x taygetea, 45cm/18in high, pale yellow flowers 5-10cm/2-4in across, the best variety for cutting.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Generally trouble-free.