Plant Profile - Bellis


Quick Guide: late spring, hardy, full sun, height: 7.5-10cm/3-4in, width: 25cm/10in

The perennial daisy, Bellis perennis, is a charming if short-lived plant for the front of the border or as attractive ground cover. Unlike the simple daisy of the meadows, flowers are large, the foliage glossy and almost evergreen, and the colour range includes pink, red and white as well as bi-coloured forms.

GROWING Treat as biennials. Set out young plants in autumn in any ordinary garden soil. Daisies prefer sun but do reasonably well in partial shade. Dead-head regularly - though daisies will self-seed, the resulting seedlings are poor. Discard or divide plants after flowering.

PROPAGATION Divide named varieties immediately after flowering. Sow seeds in boxes or in the open in late spring and grow on in a nursery bed before planting out in autumn for flowering the following spring.

VARIETIES Monstrosa forms include double-flowered varieties such as `Giant Double', mixed or single colours. Double miniature varieties have tiny pompon flowers; try `Pomponette' (above); `Dresden China', pink; `Quilled Mixed'; `Rob Roy', red; `Victoria', red and white.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Generally trouble-free.