Plant Profile - Echinops (The globe thistle)


Quick Guide: summer, hardy, sun, height: 1.2m/4ft, width: 60cm/24in

The globe thistle, Echinops banaticus is a valuable addition to the border, with dramatic dark green foliage and round, steel-blue flowerheads held high. The flowers are prized for winter decoration when dried. No named varieties of the species are available.

GROWING Set out young plants from autumn to spring in deep, well-drained soil; echinops do well on chalk. A sunny, sheltered position is best. It may be necessary to provide stakes for support on exposed sites, but usually this is not required. Mulch lightly in spring, and cut the stems down in the autumn.

PROPAGATION Divide established plants between autumn and spring.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Generally trouble-free.