Plant Profile - Hemerocallis


Quick Guide: /summer, hardy, sun, height: 90cm/3ft, width: 45cm/18in

Three species of the hemerocallis are available, but much more popular are hybrids which can be found in dozens of different colours. The common name, day lily, refers to the fact that each flower lives for one day only, to be replaced by another the next morning. This process continues for 6-8 weeks; by choosing a mixture of varieties it is possible to have a display of these fabulous blooms for the entire summer.

GROWING Plant between autumn and spring in moist, rich soil. Full sun is preferred but a little shade is tolerated. Remove dead stems and leaves in late autumn.

PROPAGATION Divide established clumps in early autumn or spring just as young growth starts. Seeds do not come true to type.

VARIETIES `Golden Chimes' (above); `Chartreuse Magic', sharp yellow and green; `Morocco Red', dusky red and yellow; 'Pink Damask', pink with yellow throat.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Generally trouble-free.