Plant Profile - Mesembryanthemum (Livingstone Daisy)


Quick Guide: summer, hardy, sun, height: 15cm/6in, width: 15cm/6in

Commonly known as the Livingstone daisy, Mesembryanthemum criniflorum is a succulent, low-growing plant best as informal edging for the summer border or in the rock garden. The small but vivid flowers may be apricot, pink, magenta, orange or white; they only open in full sun. The correct botanical name is now Dorotheanthus bellidiflorus. No named varieties of the species are available.

PROPAGATION Sow the seeds under protection and with gentle heat in early spring. Prick the seedlings off into boxes when they are large enough to handle and harden off in a cold frame before planting out in late spring. Seeds may also be sown directly into the flowering site in mid-spring, thinning seedlings to 30cm/12in.

GROWING Any well-drained soil will do, but light sandy soils are preferred.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Foot rot may cause plants to collapse at ground level.