
Quick Guide: summer, hardy, full sun, height: 4.5m/15ft, width: 5m/16ft

The stag's horn sumach. Rhus typhina, is chiefly grown for its stunning autumn foliage, though it bears dense, 20cm/8in long panicles Of minuscule flowers in summer. These are followed by clusters of red berries. Take care when pruning, as the sap contains a substance which irritates the skin.

GROWING Plant between autumn and spring in ordinary soil. This species thrives even in polluted urban atmospheres. To prune, cut stems right back to ground level in earlv spring. This will encourage foliage at the expense of flowers and fruit.

PROPAGATION This species produces numerous suckers, which may be pulled off in the autumn and planted where they are to grow. Alternatively, suitable shoots may be layered in spring. They should be ready to sever from the parent plant in 1-2 years.

VARIETIES `Laciniata' (above), fern-like green Ieaves turn orange and yellow in autumn.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Poor growing conditions may cause die-back.