Plant Profile - Sambucus


Quick Guide: summer, hardy, full sun, height: 2.4m/8ft, width: 2.4m/8ft

The common elder, Sambucus nigra, which reaches 4.5m/15ft in height, is a familiar sight in the wild with its flattened heads of creamy flowers and the clusters of purplish black berries that follow. S. racemosa, the red-berried elder, is a slower growing cousin which makes a handsome addition to the garden.

GROWING Plant between autumn and spring in any type of fertile soil, in partial shade. Prune to encourage colourful foliage by cutting the stems right hack in frost-free weather between autumn and spring: this will, however, reduce the quantity of flowers and berries.

PROPAGATION Take 25cm/10in hardwood cuttings in late autumn and treat as for salix

VARIETIES S. nigra: `Aurea', yellow leaves; `Aurea-variegata, green leaves edged yellow. S. racemosa: `Plumosa Aurea', finely cut yellow leaves.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Aphids; arabis mosaic virus.