
34 Results in category Perennials

The term perennial is used to describe any long-lived plant that is non-woody (as shrubs and trees are). Herbaceous perennials are those that die down in the autumn and reap-pear in spring.

Plant Profile - Convallaria

The lily-of-the-valley, Convallaria majalis, is one of the prettiest spring flowers, its graceful stems clothed with pure white bell-shaped blooms. With handsome leaves, it makes excellent ground cover in shady spots.

Plant Profile - Althaea Rosea (Hollyhock)

Althaea rosea, the familiar hollyhock, is well suited to cottage gardens and because of its great height looks impressive at the back of an informal border, particularly when a fine old wall provides protection.

Plant Profile - Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle)

Commonly known as lady's mantle, Alchemilla mollis is less valued for its flowers than its handsome leaves, which are light green, palmate and particularly attractive after rain when droplets settle on the leaves.

Lupins are traditionally a feature of informal cottage gardens, but their tall spires in a range of soft colours make a striking contribution to the border in any garden design. The most reliable types are hybrids of the species L. polyphyllus.

Plant Profile - Aquilegia (Granny's Bonnet)

A number of very beautiful hybrids have been raised from Aquilegia vulgaris, the columbine or, to give it its old country name, granny's bonnet.

Plant Profile - Delphiniums

Delphiniums are unquestionably the most magnificent flowers in the herbaceous border. Quite apart from their great height, the profusion of blooms and intensity of colour - usually blue, but sometimes pink or cream - make an unforgettable impression.

Plant Profile - Doronicums

Commonly known as leopard's bane, doronicums bring the first glow of colour to the mixed border in spring, and if regularly dead-headed may produce a second flush of flowers in the autumn. The yellow, daisy-like flowers are excellent for cutting.

Plant Profile - Geraniums

Geraniums, popularly known as cranesbills, comprise a large family of flowering plants, including some alpine species.

Plant Profile - Helleborus

No gardener who wants to enjoy flowers all the year round can afford to ignore the Christmas rose, Helleborus niger, which produces its exquisite white blooms in deepest winter.

Familiar even to non-gardeners, Impatiens walleriana or busy lizzie is a short-lived perennial native to Africa.