
14 Results in category Trees

Planting a tree is a sign of faith in the future. Most are planted at 3-4 years old and take about 30 years to reach their ultimate size.

Even if they cannot put a name to any other tree, most people can recognize a willow by its slender, pointed leaves and the woolly catkins which appear in spring.

The common elder, Sambucus nigra, which reaches 4.5m/15ft in height, is a familiar sight in the wild with its flattened heads of creamy flowers and the clusters of purplish black berries that follow.

Plant Profile - Laburnum Tree

Commonly known as golden rain, a laburnum tree in flower is a splendid sight. In late spring or early summer the branches are hung with long racemes of bright yellow flowers.

Plant Profile - Magnolia

Magnolias are among the most popular trees grown as specimens in a lawn or at the front of a town house.